Sunday, March 13, 2005

Geocaching in PS

A cool hobby! Check out if you haven't heard of this activity yet.

My wife and I did some caching in PS while we were there. We only have 2 more to go to cross over the big 200! While we were out there we met Daryl (WestCoastAdmin). Got to chat a bit about Virtuals and such. What are the odds of running into him? Strange huh? I'm glad that I was "civil" about the way in which I handled the Point Loma Lighthouse issue.

Sandy and I had a great time caching. I always have a good time caching with her. She is as intense (if not more so) as I am about finding the cache! During one night hunt we were almost over run by people jogging in some sort of race. Okay, that's too much of an understatement: They were running wearing lingere, pajamas, and nighties (even the men). The first "group" of people we saw were women carrying open sacks of flour wearing "teddies" and devil horns. These women would drop a handful of flour every so often. We figured they were marking a trail. Sure enough a bunch of people came later and were following the flour trail.

That night we were also in hunting for a cache in a graveyard. GC takes you to some "unique" places to be sure. Unfortunately we were not able to find that cache.

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