Monday, October 31, 2005


I had a great time at the most recent SD CUE Fair (San Diego, Computer Using Educators). The cost is reasonable, it's local (no long drives or hotel), they have great local speakers, but most importantly it gives me a chance to connect with some of the most innovative, creative and energetic tech using educators from around the county.

I had a chance to chat with some old friends as well as make some new contacts this time around. In particular, I'm excited about some possibilities surrounding podcasting, blogging, and geocahcing (as they relate to education). I'll keep ya posted!

I also had a chance to sit in on some great sessions. I'm amazed at how often I can get a few "golden nuggets" from any session, even those subjects that I know a thing or two about! I'm always learning how much I don't know, and sharing what I do with others who may have not known what I know ... Did that make sense?! Anyhow, very groovy!

One of the tidbits that I picked up was a site called Bloglines. Essentially it's a service where you can store RSS feeds (such as blogs) to organize and help you read them in a "one stop" way.

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