Friday, February 10, 2006


"(some) Men (people) are generally idle, and ready to satisfy themselves, and intimidate the industry of others, by calling that impossible which is only difficult." - Samuel Johnson

I met someone the other day who embodied this quote. I was sitting with a group of people and almost everything that came out of this person's mouth was negative. I didn't hear a positve comment once, not once. This person was a teacher and had negative things to say about the school, the district, the government, admistration, fellow teachers, and students. I thought, whose left? Some other people made an attempt to suggest positive alternatives and strategies, but this teacher's negative perception perevented them from seeing anything but obstacles. This teacher didn't really want to DO anything about it, they must've felt some level of comfot wallowing in despair and sharing it with others. The sad thing was that this person was SO young, maybe just a few years in the classroom, not the typical burned out teacher who was ready to retire. I can only the imagine the infection this teacher might spread at a faculty lunchroom. Why is this person teaching?

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