Monday, January 02, 2006

After The Christmas Holidays

I don't know about you, but I had a great Christmas season!

Life can get pretty busy sometimes y'know? I'm mean busy like "get up in the morning spend all day at work, get home shovel down some food, work into the night, then go to bed late tired so you can get up the next day" busy. That kind of busy.

This Christmas time was great. Not only do we get a chance to celebrate (the reason for the season) the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, but it also gives many of us a chance to "breath" and some time doing things that are not urgent, but very very important.

I was able to spend time with family. I feel really blessed that I can do that. We spent the first part of the day picking up my mom and then hanging out with the France clan. It was a great get-together. We ate, had some time to chat and play games (like croquet in the dark).

This season I had time to hang out with Sandy, skate, geocaching, watch several episodes of Battlestar Galactica on DVD (it's not as geeky as you might think), play some xbox, Myst, read Narnia, and just general "unwind".

Today I'm back at the grindstone, but with a renewed sense of refreshment and purpose. I'm ready once again to take on some "challenges".

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